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A Little About Me

Living in 10 cities in France, I am grateful to my parents for taking me to museums and castles where I admired the work of the Old Masters and other artists. I was especially fascinated by the oil portraits from Nattier and Vermeer! During my school years, I took art classes in Paris as well as private art lessons. Art teachers can be “pushy”, but they taught me not to be afraid of embracing an art challenge and to paint what was on my heart. A few years ago, my heart was broken by the passing of my grandfather-my hero. I gathered several art books from the library and took on the challenge to learn how to paint his portrait with oil. To paint his personality brought healing to my heart as well as my families’. Part of him remains as his portrait will be passed down from one generation to the other. Living in Texas now, I am so thrilled to continue to paint as people ask me to paint for them. I love to bring out someone’s unique personality in a portrait!

Another love of mine is silk painting. Growing up, I admired them displayed on people’s walls and on scarves. A few years ago, I was in Port Angeles, WA and was fortunate to learn the art of silk painting with Master Silk Painter Karen Sistek. Painting close-up flowers on silk reminds me of the times in my childhood when I would look closely at the flowers that adorned our lawn. I found the bright colors and tiny details of the silky flowers so fascinating!

My paintings have been on display at Cleo’s Gallery in Fort Worth Texas. I also take part in art contests through SOHO and NOAPS.

Although my art has realism, I enjoy, at times, including a touch of impressionism.

My goal is to continue to grow by studying and achieve an even higher level of professionalism in these two art platforms. What a blessing from God to paint art that touches people’s hearts!

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